First, the issue of camels in Genesis is nothing new. The
apparent domestication of camels in Gen 24 is a detail that has solicited
commentary for generations. However, for the purposes of this post, I want to
move beyond “camels in Genesis” in order to discuss something more fundamental.
And no...I do not want to come at this from the evangelical stance of "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Such stance is common amongst evangelicals, and it has already been taken by Darrell Bock. Read it here.
As I just stated, the researchers are flaunting their data as proof that 1) the
text’s historicity is flawed and 2) the text is late. Are these claims warranted?
Is this an isolated instance, or grounds for a sweeping generalization against
the credibility of the Bible (which appears to be an unstated implication)?
Let us first tackle the idea of the text’s “late
composition.” What one must first understand is that literacy and literary
composition assumed a different set of rules in antiquity. So much so, that if
you or I were transported to that context, we would be perplexed. Furthermore,
a “textual revolution” did not occur in ancient Israel until Iron Age II (~ the
end of the eleventh century or early tenth century). This means that the
earliest traditions of the Old Testament, and the Patriarchal narratives are one
of them, were likely not written (at least with any fervency) until Iron
Age II. So, the researchers claim that the texts were written late does not
bother me. In fact, they are probably correct. The Patriarchal narratives were
probably not textually preserved until a few hundred years after the
Granted this position, other questions naturally follow.
If a tradition was not immediately preserved textually, does it undermine the
credibility of its testimony? Is its historicity brought into question, and
does an apparent anachronism constitute an “error” that compromises the Bible’s
credibility? These are loaded questions. To answer them one must begin by
remembering the human dimension of Scripture. Indeed, I believe that Scripture
is God’s revelation to humanity, but it is God’s revelation to humanity through
humanity. God chose to divulge his revelation through conscious, ancient
writers. Consequently, these people not only utilized the literary conventions
of their day, but they also may have succumbed in places to the finitude of
humanity. The occasional anachronism is one such example. Yet more to the
point, an anachronism referring to a secondary detail of the narrative, which
is what this camel thing is, does not warrant the posture that Genesis’
credibility has been compromised.
I have some issues with the words "inerrant" and "infallible." As you know, many schools to which we apply each require signing articles of faith that include such language. Many conservatives consider the introduction of "errors" into the text as an effort to dismantle the integrity of the Bible as a whole. At the same time, most scholars see various "errors" in the text. Whether they dismiss them as misunderstandings, hyperbole, or culturally conditioned views is not the point. The Bible still contains "factual errors." And yet, as you describe in your final paragraph, it does not fail to convey truth (I know it's very post-modern of me to delineate between truth and fact). As such, I shy away from the term "inerrant" to describe the Bible, but freely embrace "infallible" with the understanding that the Bible will not fail bring truth and salvation to those who search.
ReplyDeleteBinding the term inerrant into small factual details, I believe, is the problem. I cannot help but wonder if binding the classification of "inerrancy" or not to small details is another ripple of the biblical archaeology debate of the 70s. A recalibration is needed, one that begins with an honest assessment of the demands of the text, not an position that binds the classification of inerrancy (or not) to the smallest jot and tittle.
ReplyDeleteI think we both agree that the Bible does not err in its intention, yet seems to contain errors. So a word like "inerrant" is not sufficient because the Bible does not meet the requirements of the word. Sure, we can redefine it to mean what we want, but I think it sends a counterproductive message about the nature of the Bible.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that I am asking that we "redefine" the word inerrant, which means free from error. I am suggesting that we redefine the grounds upon which we make the assessment and use the word. The history of this debate strikes me as being too focused upon "factual details" that may or may not be integral to the point of communication.